We believe in collaborative communication, and an individualised approach, to B12 therapy. We help your body to help you. For long-term health goals, or for preventing long-term health conditions, B12 therapy is the vitamin to support you to live your best life. At B124life we can help you to do this.


Hi, one and all, my name is Sahara and I am the founder of B12 For Life.

As a retired nurse with over 30 years of experience in both the NHS and private sectors, I have seen first hand the impacts of undiagnosed B12 deficiency. After facing my own health challenges due to long-term deficiency, I founded this clinic to facilitate improved B12 care.

At B12 For Life, our mission is to educate, advocate for, and empower those struggling with B12 deficiency. Through evidence-based resources and compassionate support, we aim to increase awareness, improve access to treatment, and foster a community dedicated to proactive B12 health.

With my extensive medical background and personal journey with B12 deficiency, I understand the barriers many face in getting proper diagnosis and care. My goal is to help others on their path to healing. Please reach out with any questions, and know that our team is here to listen and guide you. Together we can overcome this common yet complex condition.

Our clinic is based on NICE guidelines, the British National Formulary, and the most up-to-date British Medical Journal research.

The clinic is run by highly experienced practitioners with a wealth of NHS & Private Nursing experience.

However, our experience has shown that current guidelines can be inflexible, and

we believe one size does not fit all.

We set up our clinic having heard many stories of people who were struggling with their symptoms and were not being listened to in mainstream healthcare.

We are here to listen and to work with you to gain optimum outcomes using Vitamin B12 therapy.

( We can, in conjunction with your current NHS treatment offer more regular injections ).


We offer a 45-minute consultation to discuss your symptoms and how this affects your functional health.

We achieve this by listening and supporting you based on your symptoms and your priorities.

We do this using prescribed Hydroxocobalamin B12, and cofactors such as active B9 5-MTHF (Methyl folate).

We can add cellular support vitamins if needed to help with cellular cleansing, balancing, nourishing, and support.

This helps to rebalance your health at a cellular level, aiding the efficient use of your B12 and co-factors.

When your body is working well at a cellular level it utilises what you put into your body effectively.